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Date Doctor

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Date DoctorAMA Date Doctor is the ultimate dating guide that takes you from theory to practice, turning you into a Master of Seduction. You will be advised on how to make the first move, what to do on a date and how to talk your way through any situation. Whether male or female, you will see that, with the help of AMA Date Doctor, I am wondering why i can not find this java here in imserba-forum, maybe my keywords for search are not correct, or maybe the original poster made a badname title, or maybe it does not really exist lol
so i just decided to post it here, if double post then please report and post the link. Dating has never been easier.Before you go seduce someone, you have the opportunity to check your dating knowledge by taking a dating skills test that covers the trickiest issues of a date. If you¿re not so sure you can dazzle him/her with your lines, AMA Date Doctor will check your charming abilities through a real-life conversation simulation which will prepare you for anything. To complete your dating arsenal, AMA Date Doctor has included an SMS engine which allows you to send witty and funny text messages from within the application. You will never miss another chance to be with that special someone!

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