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Pimp My Ride game

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MTV_Pimp_my_Ride8_003There’s no X to the Z but there is a fun game for fans of the show.
How do you make a Pimp My Ride game? The show is the most successful MTV show ever and for those of you living in caves, worthy people (ie those who look after their grandparents / kid sisters / etc) get selected for their old bangers to have a makeover costing around $20K. They get fully kitted out from custom paint jobs and alloys to all kinds of gadgets thrown into the car itself. My only question about the show is how do these teenagers afford insurance on a car worth that much? Is is different over in the USA?

Anyway, back to the original question, how do you make a game based on the show? Essentially the show is about doing up cars so that’s what the game is. You don’t get to race the cars, you don’t get to sell the cars, you have to do them up. This is done through four mini games that you can play individually or altogther in the Pimp Olympics mode to unlock bigger cars to make over. The games aren’t too exciting and involve simple button presses, timing and memory, but the game is slickly presented.

The graphics are very ’street’ and would really look at home if part of a wall of graffiti. This really is in keeping with the flavour of the show and suit the game. While there’s no XZibit in the game (who really does make the show) or West Coast Customs, the cars look cool as do the participants. The graphics are nice and bright and shiny and well put together. There isn’t really any animation to speak of apart from when the car is built and can bounce a little and put it’s headlights / tail lights on. The sound is good with a choice of a nice tune during the game (and authentic tune even later) or sound effects which consist of applause and other relevant sound effects depending on the game.

Controls are simple enough especially as there are four mini games. You only really use one button, the main button or 5, for most of the games. There’s only one game where you have to use the D / key pad, but this involves four directions only. The bonus consists of pressing 5 rapidly in a short time limit so make sure you have big keys or fast fingers.

The playability is not bad. It’s not the best game in the world, nor is it that original, but as there are four separate mini games, and due to the fact that the game is well presented, it may be enjoyable for fans of the show or people who like casual gaming. The first game involves you ironing out the dents in the car with a great hammer. A cross hair will move over the dents and when it turns green you have to press the button and therefore knock out the dent. Too soon or too late and you could cause a new dent. The next game is the trickiest in my opinion, which is a spray painting game. You have an outline of the paint can at the top and bottom of the screen. When the actual can hits the top outline you have to press and hold the button (and therefore release the spray) until the can reaches the bottom outline and then you let go. The can will move back up again and once more you have to press and hold the button on the top outline and then release when you hit the bottom outline. It sounds complicated because it is a little at first, or maybe I was just clueless. Still, even once you get the hang of it, the timing is very hard sometimes and often the car looks disastrous at the end of the round with a half finished / uneven lick of paint. Next up we have the memory round where you get a sequence of directions (up, left, down, right) that you have to repeat. You know the score with these games. The thing is that the sequence gets longer (up to 8 moves) and you have a very noticeable time limit which was severely impacted by the fact that sometimes my directions / button presses, took a while to be input which wasted time. Lastly, the final event is the decal section where you get to choose a cool design for your car. There’s a roulette wheel and you have to press the button to stop it on the design which matches the outline of the design on the car. Get all three right (or wrong) and you move onto the next design. At the end of the time limit you’ll have a roulette wheel of all the designs you made (including those where you messed up) and you have to again stop the wheel on the design that you want (so therefore get the designs right). These four events will enable you to pimp your ride. In between each event you also get a bonus round where you have to get the tire pressure at a certain level to win additional parts for the car.

Lastability is not bad as the developers have tried to pack a lot into the game. There are decent graphics and sound and vibration. There’s a choice of one player or up to four and then there’s a choice of playing one event or all three. So you can see that there are a fair few options. If you average over 70% in the games you’ll unlock a larger vehicle to play with and if you finish all three, you’ll get something bigger. The cars are saved if you get on the scoreboard, and so you can see them again if you want in a before and after montage just like the show. This is a nice little touch and helps to improve the lastability in the game as do the sarcastic comments. As with the trend though, this is definitely aimed at the casual gamer and while fun to play, doesn’t have as much depth as it could have.

Fun for a while but you may want to look at something a bit more long term. Very well presented though with a great tune and nice graphics.

Hey Guys....
Try both attached version!! Do comment.

Pimp My

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